Chapel of Notre Dame -du-Haut,
Ronchamp 1950
This chapel is a important work of art by Le Corbusier. Chapel of Notre Dame -du-Haut changed the design concept of churchs all over the world. It was a reaction of Le Corbusier against the styles and structural technics which influenced all type of building although they were developed for commercial and industrial ones. Also against limeted an poor modern architectural styles after 2nd World War. We can also say that Chapel of Notre Dame -du-Haut was a opposite reaction against his own principles and pragmatism before. But he still did not give up elements: sun which refresh humans desire, green and light. He knead the concrete like a sculpture then formed and played with it.
The huge concrete shell roof and the towers with rounded tops were added values to its mass effect. Inside is formed by convex and concave bents. At first sight it seems like a native building but infact it is very complex and specific. Light and shadow is a important element of Le Corbusier's architecture. Light makes us to see, to realize , to understand the mass. At this Chapel light is very strongly used, makes a great effect by coming through the colored windows with miracle shadows behind.